ENISA launches the CaRSEC Expert Group – Apply now

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ENISA launches this Call for Participation to invite experts in security of Smart Cars and Intelligent Road Systems to participate to its expert group.

The creation of the ENISA Cars and Roads SECurity (CaRSEC) Expert Group aims at gathering experts in the domains of Smart Cars and Intelligent Road Systems to exchange on cyber security threats, challenges and solutions with the objective to protect the safety of citizens.

Experts that could apply to the CaRSEC group:

  • Car manufacturing with a focus on cyber security,
  • Suppliers and developers of vehicular hardware and/or software with a focus on cyber security,
  • Associations and not-for-profit organisations involved in cars security,
  • Road authorities, academia, standardisation bodies and policy makers.

Read the terms of reference and share with your network!

Apply here: Application form